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10 Tips and Tricks from Small Business Owners: Experts Share Their Secrets

Tips and Tricks from Small Business Owners

I’m always looking for new ways to grow my business.

I recently found myself staring at my computer screen, trying to come up with new ideas, but feeling overwhelmed.

I needed some inspiration, so I decided to ask other small business owners for their best ideas.

Here are 10 of my favorites.

Tips for getting organized

Spending too much time on admin work is a surefire way to prevent small business owners from putting effort into growing their business.

Small business owners need to cut down on administrative tasks to get their businesses going.

It can be challenging to manage the costs of maintaining an administrative team and it can distract business owners from their core goals.

The secret to staying organized?

“Batch processing,” said Sam S. Smith, co-founder and CEO of TrakDash, an online platform that connects shippers with truckers.

“It takes the mystery and stress out of administrative tasks such as running receipts, sending emails, and tracking mileage,” Smith said. “Once you can manage it, batch processing is a huge time saver.

Use the right tools

Check out the ideas from Martin Dib, CEO of Bike Tyer. He suggested using apps, social media, and resources to attract more business and keep it.

“Remember that there are more tools than ever before for marketing, social media being a key,” he said.

He advised using the following resources:

Salesforce is a great marketing tool. It allows users to see how many leads their company generates, as well as report on analytics and marketing campaigns.

PayPal is great for crowdfunding, but so is Kickstarter. For example, a boatbuilder in Maine used Kickstarter to create a boat with integrated power systems for electric and hybrid marine applications.

Social media marketing is another area of expertise. Dib said he used hashtags in Twitter to reach followers and provide customer service.

Create a schedule

“We make a schedule each day of what I will do and what my husband will do for the business,” said Donna Logan, founder and president of Hermes Therapeutics Inc., a medical technology company based in Bend, Oregon. “I do the writing, my husband creates the marketing, website work, and some of the other technical parts of the business and I give him advice on technology, etc.”

But because her husband is a truck driver, Logan has found a way to work from home.

Create new ways to interact with customers

“In this day and age, customers expect more,” said Roy Krantz, founder and president of BrandPhD Inc., a coaching business based in Bend, Oregon.

Tips on motivation

What’s your secret for remaining motivated and effective?

My secret? I get up every day and have my own personal “Chop” marathon.

I don’t do it every day, but I do it every week for around three to four hours.

I get in a zone and really push myself. I’m highly productive during those sessions, and the best part is that I love it.

There’s something about being productive that really makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something.

That feeling of accomplishment fuels me to go to the gym, lift weights and get a great workout in.

It’s truly amazing how creating a productive routine can help us be better and feel better.

I’ve been able to start and grow my business on a minimal budget.

I’m a freelancer, so I don’t have a 9-to-5 job with a set salary.

Be clear about your goals

Plan your goals out in advance. If you’re looking to grow your business, you should be aware of what that will look like in order to achieve it. It could be something as simple as expanding your services, or as complex as relocating your company. Be clear about what you’re hoping to achieve, then keep coming back to the plan.

It’s important to set aside time for planning your goals. This is essential for creating a focused plan. But, it’s not enough to just plan and execute.

Remind yourself every day of the steps you need to take to make your goals a reality. For me, this is one of the most important parts of the process. It’s also one of the most easily forgotten. To stay focused on my goals, I simply make a post-it note and stick it on my computer or a list in my wallet.

Practice self-compassion

When small business owners get into a negative place, it can keep them stuck in that place, instead of thinking about how they can get out.

Self-compassion is about stopping your negative thoughts and turning them into self-affirmations. It can be as simple as reminding yourself that you’re not the only person dealing with difficult situations, so there are ways to deal with them.

“You are not alone, and there are resources to help you get out of difficult situations,” says Linda Alvarez, co-founder of the coaching company Bigger Picture.

Be strategic

When you have multiple competitors, it can be helpful to start with the two or three that you have the most business with.

Nine ways to grow your business

1. Read.

My business is predominantly online, so I read a lot, especially for marketing and sales.

Here are some books I’m reading right now:

2. Pay attention to your customers

Do you know what your customers are really saying to you? Do you talk to them in their language?

That’s what a new form of digital marketing called intuitive messaging is all about.

The premise is that if you can figure out what your customers really want, you can offer it to them, and make it your product.

And by the way, intuitive messaging is a big part of how PayPal Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL ) delivers more than $2 billion in customer payments every year.

Click here to learn more about intuitive messaging.

2. Go to market early.

Tips for finding inspiration

1. Help a friend

Many friends need help in finding inspiration. This is true for small business owners and everyone else.

Connect with friends, colleagues, and family.

Send them to your website, blog, or Facebook page. Tell them what you are doing and how they can help.

Find ways to help them find inspiration.

Remember, every person has a different perspective on life.

Try brainstorming, writing, or crafting – just make sure you are adding something of value to the conversation.

2. Take a vacation

Taking a few days off from your business to recharge your batteries will not only benefit you but will help keep you productive.

It’s important to take time to think and put away your normal responsibilities.

Don’t allow the work/life balance to get out of hand.


ection 5. Tips for taking care of yourself

1. Drink tea.

2. Eat hot tea.

3. Drink a protein shake.

4. Watch morning television and movies.

5. Pick up a hobby.

6. Sit outside and enjoy the weather.

7. Read something that interests you.

8. Wear a hat or scarf.

9. Take naps.

10. Go shopping.

Actively manage stress and keep it from becoming a problem.

11. Be OK with no sleep.

I love sleep and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but most of us work hard, have demanding family lives and hobbies, and lack the time to sleep the proper number of hours. As an entrepreneur, I need more sleep than my non-entrepreneur friends — I need about seven to eight hours each night.

The point is that I have a very busy life.

Try to stay as rested as you can and do some things you enjoy.

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